• 301-208-6948
  • info@sunriseearlylearningcenter.com

Monthly Parent Newsletter | October 2019

THIS MONTH IN THE NEWSLETTER: “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape, Plan and Practice Your Escape!” | Pumpkin Patch Festival: In-House Field Trip | National Mad Hatter Day | National Frankenstein Friday | Halloween Party & Costume Parade

2019 Halloween Costume Party & Parade

Our Halloween Festival & Costume Parade will be on Thursday, October 31, 2019. Our Costume Parade is scheduled to take place around our school parking lot at 10:30am, and parents are welcome to join us during the Parade.

2019 Pumpkin Patch Festival

This year the Pumpkin Patch is coming to Sunrise! We will be transforming our school’s front yard into a farm filled with scarecrows, hay and pumpkins.